It is yet to be decided whether Budget 2013 will provide additional money on food in schools programmes.
Last year an expert advisory group created by the Children's Commissioner recommended that all low-decile schools offer pupils free food in an immediate effort to tackle child poverty.
When asked today if Budget 2013 would make provision for more funding for food in schools programmes, Prime Minister John Key said he couldn't rule it in or out. "There is some merit, obviously, for food in schools - the Government has been supporting that in terms of a number of programmes."
Mr Key hinted the issue would be considered alongside Cabinet deciding on Tuesday if it would support Mana Party leader Hone Harawira's Education (Breakfast and Lunch in Schools) Amendment Bill.
Mr Harawira's bill would introduce a state-funded food in schools programme, making meals available for all students in decile one to three primary and intermediate schools.