Finance Minister Bill English will loosen the purse strings today in his fifth Budget, which he says will be about getting back to surplus, addressing the risks of a housing bubble and building economic momentum.
After two budgets of zero new spending, Mr English has budgeted $800 million for new spending in the next financial year which will still end up in deficit - $2 billion at the last forecast.
However, the Budget forecast will confirm the much-vaunted return to surplus for the 2014-15 year.
Getting to surplus was important from the point of view of the Government's books, Mr English told reporters yesterday, but the surplus had also become a measure of whether the economy was on track.
"And the good news is that we are on track. We can look forward with a bit of optimism having been through some hard times, job security will be a bit better, and there is more capacity for incomes to lift."