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Budget 2021 Interactive: See where your money goes

NZ Herald
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With over 2500 spending items worth $144 billion next year, where is all the money going? Our interactive budget explorer below breaks down every Budget from 2014 to today, allowing you to explore government spending in detail.

The department growing most quickly is Housing and Urban Development, which is about to more than double its budget. Meanwhile, Primary Industries and Corrections are beginning to shrink.

Some ministries also spent far more than expected last year due to COVID. The 2020 Budget allocated $5.5b for Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) in 2021, but it ended up spending nearly $9.2b, due to quarantine and other costs.

Each bubble represents a single government department. You can click on a bubble to see all the items for that department. Explore for yourself below.

The source for the data is the Estimate of Appropriations 2014-2021. Values have been adjusted for inflation based on Consumer Price Index estimates from the 2021 Fiscal Strategy Model.
