The Government's first Budget has ticked off some key Labour pledges, spending billions on increasing benefits but keeping a lid on major spending and debt increases. Experts and commentators have weighed in on some of the highlights.
"Of all Grant Robertson's Budgets this term, this will almost certainly be the easy one in terms of decisions," writes Audrey Young. "Lifting the incomes of the poorest Kiwis on benefits had to happen, for several reasons other than alleviating suffering." Read more here.
"In recent speeches, Robertson has made a mantra of his 'balanced approach'," writes Liam Dann. "While he has stayed broadly true to that, he has, in the final wash-up, leaned back towards the left." Read more here.
"Grant Robertson has delivered a fiscally conservative Budget," writes Brian Fallow. "He is about midway between the skinflint and the spendthrift ends of the spectrum." Read more here.