Any plan to rebuild an entire CBD from what is now mostly rubble was always going to take a while for everyone to get their heads around. But there are now some very good detailed examinations of the Christchurch blueprint emerging. Recommended today is the Political Scientist's A rainy Christmas Day in Christchurch, which has a lengthy but well researched look at who the real winners will be: 'Those with the money to invest in this new 'Core' have now found themselves a Government-edicted, ratepayer subsidised, brand new 'gusher' - with its bore hole right in the centre of Christchurch'. The blog says the new green zones may not be green for long, heritage buildings will be sacrificed, exceptions made for the benefit of a few, and that the deliberate restrictions to drive up CDB land values will keep out smaller retailers who previously provided vital character and diversity to the city.
There are plenty who are still gushing about the plan though. Fran O'Sullivan willingly admits that she has 'drunk the kool-aid' in her praise - see: Inspiring quake-city blueprint a real gem and Matthew Hooton makes a 'once-in-a-lifetime' exception to his rule of not writing about subjects he has a personal involvement in: What makes Christchurch so lucky?. That fortunes will be made as a result is seen as a positive outcome: 'It halves the size of the CBD, making land scarce to improve returns per square metre, creating competition among investors and developers for the best spaces. There is going to be a gold rush'. Both Hooton (in a view echoed by O'Sullivan) goes as far as recommending the same fast-track planning process for the rest of the country: 'why on earth doesn't the government roll out its bold, visionary Christchurch approach on a nationwide basis and just slash all the barriers to economic growth that still exist everywhere but Canterbury? If he did so, Mr Key, in 100 days, would finally have established himself as the bold, visionary Lee Kuan Yew-type figure that so many of us so desperately want him to be, and still believe he could be'.
This has all confused the blogger 'Eddie' at The Standard: 'Has Fran O'Sullivan been replaced by a communist infiltrator? Today, she gushes over a central government plan to use emergency powers to appropriate land and bypass RMA property rights'. The Standard blogger puts forward a less political and more cynical explanation: 'Or is it that this particular piece of central planning is being done to advance the interests of corporate property owners and developers?' - see: Fran O'Sullivan: in praise of central planning.
The story of how the blueprint was put together is related in some detail by John McCrone - see: Plan will change the face of Christchurch. It is a celebratory piece - almost as if the cardboard cut-outs they moved around on the map while making the plan are already built. John Roughan points out that there is still more destruction than construction going on, and thinks 'After all this time we shouldn't be hearing, "what we have to do ..."; we should see him doing it' - see: Plan lacks key element: action.
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