The Slater family failed to defeat Len Brown by masterminding John Palino's campaign in last week's mayoral election, so now we have a dirty blow beneath the belt.
Former National Party president and Palino campaign manager John Slater couldn't topple the Mayor fairly, now his son, Cameron, is trying to humiliate him out of office.
Cameron Slater seems to have forgotten what century he's living in. Marital infidelity is hardly a sacking offence in this day and age. The sleazy and infuriated out-pourings of the discarded mistress on his website might have shocked his grandparents' generation, but today it's more likely to raise little more than the odd snigger, and feelings of sympathy for Mr Brown's family. What his Labour Party friends might think of him sleeping with a class enemy - a dreaded Citrat - is another matter.
One-time US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger wrote of power being the ultimate aphrodisiac, and Mr Brown is hardly the first politician to discover this. But as long as he seems to have been able to fit in his extra-curricular activities with the job we elected him to do, I, as a ratepayer, don't expect any apology. As for the mistress, it takes two to tango.
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