But what about the next week or the next year? Will those ministers return to their countries and implement the top three recommendations in the report - serious funding for food literacy, taxes on sugary drinks and regulating junk food marketing to children? Can Kiwi kids, the third fattest in OECD countries, rely on their Health Minister to convert his yes vote in Geneva into action at home?
The third agenda item directly pitted commercial trade interests against children's nutrition, with food industry lobbying "assuming absurd proportions", according to one WHO source. What was the issue at stake? A measure to end inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children recommended the marketing of all milk formula products, including those designed for toddlers, be regulated under the WHO code which covers infant formula.
These processed, expensive products are often sweetened and flavoured and are heavily marketed to mothers in developing countries as follow-up formula or growing-up milks for toddlers. There is bitter experience in those countries of exploitative marketing tactics implying boosted physical and intellectual development for children.
Toddler formula has significant downsides. It is vital to protect the first 1000 days of the lives of children from the intrusion of ultra-processed foods which set children's taste preferences for foods and drinks high in sugar and salt and put them on a path to obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Developing countries also want to protect their local cuisines and food systems from domination by multinational food corporations. The dairy industry has created a demand for these expensive, unnecessary products and successfully lobby governments to block regulations to restrict their marketing.
Where did New Zealand stand in this debate? We led the charge, with the US, EU and Canada, to oppose restrictions on marketing.
Behind closed doors, the rich, milk-exporting countries prevailed and the final resolution was so watered down that formula companies face no immediate prospect of having their marketing practices regulated in any way.
The final related agenda item was a proposal to protect the WHO's independence from the undue influence of the private sector. Managing relationships where there are major conflicts between commercial interests and public health interests is critical when it comes to developing public policy. Yes, the food industry must be part of the solutions to fix our broken food systems, but no, they should not be dictating public policy.
Unfortunately, this resolution was also heavily watered down. It left plenty of loopholes for industry to continue lobbying as usual.
What was the legacy our representatives delivered at the start of a Decade of Nutrition Action? A cynical yes to child obesity recommendations and back-room bullying to water down protections for child nutrition. Surely we can do better than that.
Boyd Swinburn is Professor of Population Nutrition and Global Health at the University of Auckland.