The saying goes that everything is bigger in America.
Well, next Tuesday is the biggest day of presidential primary voting in US history, and it's very entertaining to watch people here try to come up with a suitable name for the day. The simple Super Tuesday moniker of past years is no longer good enough, because more states are voting than ever before. So alternatives are popping up everywhere in the print and broadcast media.
First, there's Mega Tuesday, designed to encapsulate in a very American way the fact that 22 states are up for grabs on the day for Democrat candidates, and 19 for Republican candidates. Problem is that Mega Tuesday sounds something like an option for your favourite meal at a certain fast food chain, don't you think?
Then there's Super Duper Tuesday. Clearly, for those who don't know, Super Duper is one step up from Super. So maybe this makes sense. But try saying it with a straight face. Not easy.
What about Monster Super Tuesday? It somehow seems fitting that I first heard this option on television shortly after arriving in Los Angeles, home of Hollywood and most things Monster. This one just sounds plain silly. Whoever heard of something being Monster Super? Wow, look at the Monster Super building out the window. Quick, take a look at the Monster Super car on the right.
Finally, there's Tsunami Tuesday. Enough said.
And so some TV networks have decided to stick with just plain Super Tuesday. Thankfully. Now we all look forward to what is being billed as one of the closest, most heated, Presidential nomination races for years.
One which may not even be decided by Mega Super Duper Monster Tsunami Tuesday.