Antiques on the go tour
Saturday, February 7, 10am
Greenswoods Corner Market, behind the ASB Bank at Greenwoods Corner.
Take a bike ride back in time with the 'Antiques on the Go' tour! Enjoy a guided bike ride from Greenwoods Corner through Cornwall Park, stopping to visit local antique stores and meet the owners, and explore their antique collections. The ride leaves at 10am and takes approximately two hours. Bring your own bike or use a complimentary Auckland Transport Bike.
Registration is recommended.
Cycle Sundays
Sunday February 8, 15, 22 and March 1, 9am - 12pm
Nixon Park, Kingsland (in car park at corner of Central Rd and Fourth Ave)
Do you want to improve your confidence or practice your bike skills but not sure where to go? Perhaps you don't have a bike or you have a friend or family member who is keen to try riding? Come down to one of the 'Cycle Sundays' at Nixon Park and take a ride on the North- Western Cycleway. Bikes will be provided (adults only), as well as cycle maps and friendly advice. If you bring your own bike show it to the bike mechanic for a free cycle safety check.
Registration is not required.
Explore the Grafton Gully and connecting cycleways
Saturday March 7 9am - 2pm approximately
Henderson to central city (return via train)
This guided bike ride will take you to the city centre using the North-western Cycleway and the Grafton Gully and Beach Road cycleways. There will be two pick-up locations - start the ride at the Henderson Train Station or join the ride from Nixon Park in Kingsland. Stop for refreshments in the city before returning to your start point by train.