Mr Borrows, who is retiring after 12 years in Parliament, was found not guilty.
Ms Bennett was also supporting Mr Borrows last week when he gave his farewell valedictory speech in Parliament and, yes, she thought it very funny, as well as "insightful".
"Chester and I came into Parliament at the same time 12 years ago," she said.
"When you are a new backbencher they put you in alphabetical order, so Bennett and Borrows were sat next to each other and we've been great mates ever since."
While she didn't know new candidate Ms Hipango personally, she was confident she could fill Mr Borrows shoes.
"She has the ability to do a good job as the local MP, but I also think she could have a wider role in terms of New Zealand, bringing a different flavour and a Maori perspective. It will make us more rounded.
"I'm a Maori woman, too, but I come from an urban background while Harete has been iwi and marae-based."
Ms Bennett was pleased with the growing diversity of Parliament. "The National Party has a Filipino candidate, Korean, Chinese, Indian ... even a smattering of white men."
And she was unfazed with the "pollquake" upheaval caused by Jacinda Ardern's elevation to lead the Labour Party and the dramatic surge in the Opposition's support.
"We talked about her last year ... that she would bring something different.
"It's good - it has got people more engaged in the democratic process and I'm all for that. And now we know we can't be complacent."