Following a story which ran on last Saturday's Wairarapa Times-Age front page entitled "Benefit Nightmare", the Ministry of Social Development would like to clarify a few points raised in the article.
The story was about a South Wairarapa couple concerned about changes to their Invalid's Benefit, which they believed would put them under financial stress. They have applied for a medical review of their case as they are both unable to work and believe they have been moved onto a Job Seeker Benefit.
Ministry spokesman Martyn Watterson said people on Invalid's Benefit were automatically transferred onto the Supported Living Benefit - with the same obligations as their previous benefit.
If they were currently unable to work they would not be required to seek employment until their doctor assessed them as work-ready or their situation changed.
Also when people changed to the new benefit system, their rate of payment and extra assistance remained the same, Mr Watterson said.