Nation, we need to talk. I know, I know, you're busy. You've just sat down with a coffee, picked up your Herald on Sunday, and you're thinking to yourself: "I'm going to scan my eyes vaguely across this page and skim the first thing I see in an effort to appear sophisticated."
Perhaps you even believe you are; that's why your coffee is fair trade and you pay too much attention to your sleeves. Such is your disengagement from the news.
But friend, that time is over. No longer can you sit idly by and ignore the issues of the day, for the writ has been written, and the 2014 election campaign has begun.
The first thing that means is that the election campaign is already over. It's sort of like American Idol; by the time the last stretch of the show begins, the votes have already been tallied, everyone has made up their minds, and all that is left to do is force the audience to endure a painful series of performances that will add nothing to the final result.
Cue election advertising. On Wednesday, National released its first television advertisement, which I'm fairly certain is a rip-off of an ad I've seen for Weetbix.