COMMENT: One thing you can say about the American twang of Julie Anne Genter is that it's enthusiastic, particularly when it comes to her pet topics.
One of them is cycling, to such an extent that a few months ago she cycled to the birthing unit in Auckland to induce her baby boy.
And at the Greens' Christmas drinks the other night she made a beeline for me, telling me she had a bone to pick.
My criticism of the announcement she made on her first week back on the job after maternity leave was unwarranted, she remonstrated. To spend more than $23 million on buying bikes for schools and building tracks for the kids to learn how to ride them was justified, she insisted.
The reasons for the justification flowed thick and fast and with passion and had me agreeing that no one can argue the benefits of biking, but spending so much money on doing a job that parents themselves should be doing, saw even more spirited debate. It was time for a quick beer and to scan my app to see whether there was an Onzo bike available to take me home.