So it's richer for Pora.
June 15 was a significant day for the 39 year old. It was on that date back in 1994 as a 17 year old that Teina Pora was convicted of murdering and raping Susan Burdett in her Papatoetoe home. And it was on that same date, yesterday, that the Government apologised unreservedly for his wrongful conviction and gave him compensation.
To many the $2.5m payout seems like a lot of money - and it is. The likelihood is that Teina Pora would never have that sort of money in the bank if he hadn't been incarcerated but that's no consolation.
Fortunately, few of us can imagine what it must be like languishing in jail, or worse still even fewer could envisage what it'd be like staring at the cell walls in a maximum security jail, knowing you were there for a crime you didn't commit.
This case raises a number of issues. The main one is how did the police got it so wrong along with the juries that twice convicted Teina Pora of rape and murder?