It's right up there with Donald Trump's 3000km wall to keep the Mexicans out. It's the sort of populist puffery, pandering to the ignorant.
Winston Peters is a politician with infinitely more political experience than Trump so he should know better.
Insurance giant IAG lays off 100 staff and relocates their jobs to the Philippines. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce these aren't top of the range, highly skilled positions - they're call centre jobs and whether we like it or not, we live in a global environment.
Peters' response? Start a state owned insurance company, which on the face of it might sound like a fair proposition but in reality it's right up there with the wall.
Insurance is about risk, about us spending money for peace of mind in the hope that the policy will never be realised. With New Zealand being the third highest risk prone country in the world after Bangladesh and Chile, insurance isn't a business for the faint-hearted, let alone anyone with any business acumen.