The Christmas break won't come soon enough for Simon Bridges. The year, or more particularly the past few months, haven't been great for him - ever since the details of his expenses were leaked a short time before they were due to be released anyway.
It was a firecracker that turned into a bombshell for him when he decided - against much advice - to seek out who the leaker was. He was warned the leak could have come from within, but his MPs were put under scrutiny by investigators anyway.
His judgment call saw the party implode when Jami-Lee Ross was identified. He went feral, accusing Bridges of all sort of things, including corruption.
The caucus is still reeling, and remains on life support. At its first meeting last week after a break, the final session for the year, it was almost flatlining. They'd been presented with their internal polling, which always happens at that first caucus of a new session.