It was a daunting assignment but always being up for a challenge I decided to accept it.
Interviewing for an hour a man I'd never met before in front of a full auditorium of academics, students and business people at the Auckland Business School was a risk.
What if the interviewee was a retiring type, the sort who gives monosyllabic answers in a language that goes over my head but would be understood by the informed audience?
After a lot of research my mind was put at rest, given the top-notch jobs the interviewee had held down, the last as the financial controller of Mitt Romney's American presidential election campaign and who would have had an input into which jobs went where heading the transition committee. So surely this man would be no wilting violet.
Chris Liddell had also been the boss at Carter Holt Harvey here in the '90s before heading off to the United States to become the chief financial officer for Microsoft and then steered General Motors through the global financial crisis before turning his hand to politics.