The vanity and hypocrisy that he's always been accused of was on full display as he instructed his top lawmaker to see whether dingo Dutton is actually eligible to even be an MP, let alone the PM, because his family got federal funding for childcare centres.
Funny he wasn't asking that question when he was lauding him as a loyal minister at the beginning of the week.
And this man who managed to topple the man known over there as the mad monk Tony Abbott three years ago, because of his dismal opinion poll ratings, was using the word madness when defending his claim on the job because the polls has his party on a par with Labour.
Turnbull talks about a minority of his MPs, and others outside Parliament, being bullied and intimidated into getting rid of him.
And then he tries the very same thing by demanding a list of names on paper of those who want the leadership spill today.
To top it all off they shut down Parliament because they're too busy tearing each other apart rather than taking the fight to their opponents.
By comparison leadership changes in this country are like a simple changing of the guard, sure there's tension if there's a contest, but they tend to put their best foot forward rather than aiming it where the sun don't shine.
There's little doubt by day's end Turnbull will be checking out of Kirribilli House, the Prime Minister's official residence, and into his seaside mansion at Sydney's Point Piper. Who'll move into his old digs will be decided this afternoon.
Kiwi criminal deporter Dutton may have run too early.
Don't discount out Turnbull's Treasurer Scott Morrison who was once the boss of our Office of Tourism and Sport who helped create the "100 percent pure New Zealand campaign," which compared to Australia, we most certainly are.
Morrison left Wellington to become the boss of Tourism Australia and adopted the slogan, which is appropriate to what's going on there at the moment, "So where the bloody hell are you?"
The ambitious Julie Bishop's another one who hopes that she may be able to answer that question today.