Seafood will be off the menu for another two years from a popular Northland bay as depleted fish stocks are given time to regenerate.
The Ministry for Primary Industries this week announced Maunganui Bay, also known as Deep Water Cove, on the Cape Brett Peninsula, will be closed to fishing for all species except kina for a further two years.
The rahui does not stop visitors who wish to dive, swim or anchor in the bay, but taking fish, aquatic life and seaweed, except kina, is prohibited.
The two resident hapu, Ngati Kuta and Patukeha ki Te Rawhiti, have requested the rahui continue as they consider more time is required to allow seriously depleted stocks in Maunganui Bay to continue rebuilding. A ban was first put in place in December 2010.
Robert Willoughby, of Ngati Kuta, said the future for the site was bright but first the fishery had to be allowed to grow.