Makeover aims to fire up a revamp of the town's centre
The old-time glory of a main street Carterton bakery is being recreated in a bid to help spruce, polish and shine the CBD.
Greg Lang and Robyn Cherry-Campbell, co-chairs of Carterton District Business Incorporated, on Thursday led a small corps of volunteers in a repaint of the facade of the former Midway Takeaways building sited across the road from the intersection of High and Holloway streets in the town.
Carterton District Council's Barbara Durbin, who was also at the site, said the two-storey building formerly had been Stevens Bakery downstairs and the Stevens family home upstairs above the business premises.
Volunteers drawn from the Rotary Club of Carterton and the CBDI spent several hours scraping, sanding and painting the facade of the vacant building, which is for sale, in the first phase of a project to revamp the centre of the town and "get some enthusiasm fired up" among business-owners and residents in the town, Mr Lang said.