Even as she announced her resignation as Green Party co-leader, Metiria Turei failed to make the tiniest concession to her having screwed up - at all.
Not back in the 1990s when she rorted the welfare system, not on July 16 when she decided to make it a strategic campaigning point, not in the interviews that followed when she said she would pay it back- if they asked, not in the weeks following when she provided moral justification to similar offenders today, not last week when she declared she would not take a ministerial job that she was never going to get anyway, and not yesterday when she caused two of her caucus colleagues to walk away.
At no point has she conceded she did the wrong thing, not even politically, not for a second.
At no point did she think about the damage she would be doing to Labour or the Greens relationship with Labour.
And that lack of self-doubt has led to slow-motion kamikaze mission of a politician, destroying herself and wounding her party.