One can only hope that John Key doesn't run his Cabinet meetings the way he is running the Intelligence and Security Committee meeting.
He did one thing and one thing only - he kept time.
He didn't quite pull out his stop-watch on yesterday's submitters on the GCSB bill but it would not have been out of place.
He welcomed them, told them how much time they had, told them it was over to them how they used it, then right on time, told them time's up.
Act leader John Banks asked a couple of questions, one to academic and environmentalist Cath Wallace about whether she would have been happy for the GCSB to try to stop the Rainbow Warrior bombers (yes, because the attackers were foreigners). Tony Ryall asked Cath Wallace about whether the state should have a role in protecting a private business if, say, some rabble were about to attack the computers of Fonterra's Reporoa factory (yes, but the police only).