Adult cash fares are increasing by 25 per cent on Auckland buses and train single-stage trips, in order to encourage more passengers to use electronic ticketing.
The AT Hop card will offer a 20 per cent discount on the trip, which will cost cash customers $2.50 on March 29.
Two-stage cash fares will go from $4 to $4.50 compared with $3 using the card, but there will be no increase for cash three-stage users - for example, those travelling from Britomart to Otahuhu, which will be $1 cheaper if they use the card.
For card users, there will be increases of 5c and 10c for stage one and two trips.
However, a card gives a 20 per cent discount off child cash fares, with a two-stage child's ticket paid with cash going up from $2 to $2.50 but with a card from $1.66 up to $1.73.