Auckland Transport is targeting speed limits around the city after a jump in road deaths. Photo / Peter Meecham
Auckland Transport is targeting speed limits around the city after a jump in road deaths. Photo / Peter Meecham
More people are dying on Auckland roads and now authorities are moving to cut speed limits around the city in a bid to save lives.
Auckland Transport is accelerating moves to address some of the city's high risk routes, with a new target of addressing 10 per cent of these roads in three years, as opposed to the original 5 per cent aim in that period.
Roads being looked at for changes over the next three years - as part of the town centre programme - include Tamaki Drive, Hibiscus Coast Highway, Great South Rd in Otāhūhū, Sandringham Road, Great South Rd in Hunters Corner and Broadway in Newmarket.
Roads identified in the residential speed management run includes a chunk of busy Te Atatu South - including west of Te Atatu Rd, Vera Rd, Royal View Rd and Vodanovich Drive - in West Auckland.
Rural areas are also being investigated, including Matakana and Sandspit Rds in Rodney East and Whitford-Maraetai Rd and Mckenzie Rd in Franklin, south of the city.
A spokesman said speeds on high risk rural roads could be cut back from 100km/h to 80km/h and there is a proposal to lower speeds to 30km/h in town centres and downtown Auckland where there is a lot of foot and cycle traffic.
The set speeds related back to what was deemed as "survivable speeds".
"The reason behind the need for a new approach is the fact that Auckland has a serious problem with people needlessly dying and being seriously injured on our region's roads," the spokesman said.
On average, one person dies and 14 people are seriously injured every week on Auckland's roads.
Tamaki Drive is among the Auckland roads being looked at for speed limit changes. Photo / Greg Bowker
Last year, a total of 64 people lost their lives on Auckland roads. A further 749 people were seriously injured.
"This is a more than 70 per cent increase since 2014, is five times greater than the rate of vehicle growth in Auckland and over three times the rate of vehicle growth for the rest of New Zealand,'' he said.
"It is unacceptable that so many people are killed or seriously injured while travelling around our region ... AT is committed to reducing death and serious injuries on our roads by 60 per cent in the next 10 years.''
The fresh approach comes off the back of the organisation's Speed Management Guide - developed following guidelines set by the NZ Transport Agency.
Auckland Transport said its ambitious safety infrastructure acceleration programme was estimated to reduce deaths and serious injuries by around 150 (20 per cent) over a three-year period:
o This includes reducing speed limits and/or re-designing and constructing speed reduction measures to encourage drivers to slow down by installing traffic calming treatments (speed tables, etc.) on at least 10 per cent of the road network, installing better and safer pedestrian infrastructure, installing safety cameras and high friction road surfacing which can reduce the risk of skidding.
o Supporting national legislation to set safe and appropriate speeds across the region.
o Addressing speed on all types of roads, from rural to town centres and residential areas.
o Developing and reinforcing positive driver attitudes by choosing safer speeds.
Meanwhile, AT is also due to consult on a bylaw change later this year that will allow the organisation to set safe and appropriate speeds around the city.
A spokeswoman said the bylaw would allow AT to set safe and appropriate speeds in those areas classified as being high risk in order to improve safety.
Those high risk areas are due to be looked at first.