Move over, Wellington - Auckland is the new arts and culture capital of the country.
Metro magazine says Wellington does a good job of talking up its culture but Auckland is the real home of arts and culture.
The cover of the magazine's latest issue declares: "Auckland Rules OK? How Wellington's losing the culture wars."
The story details how Auckland has a higher proportion of people working in the creative sector, more cultural institutions, more events, bigger audiences and much more of the best work.
"With all of Auckland's other attractions and distractions, it's too easy to lose sight of the city's role as a powerhouse of arts and culture," says editor Bevan Rapson. "We thought it was time to show that the old stereotypes just don't fit any more."
Wellington is still the base for some heavy-hitters - Peter Jackson, for example - but Metro finds the ranks of cultural leaders are thinner.
Auckland is host to at least 19 major or nationally significant arts events, while Wellington has only five.
Auckland has more artworks at the art gallery than Te Papa has and is home to nearly all of the leading dealer galleries.
The issue goes on sale on Monday - the eve of the Auckland Festival 2009, the city's fourth biennial arts festival.