Auckland mayor Wayne Brown has the port in his sights. Photo / Jay Farnworth, Michael Craig
Auckland mayor Wayne Brown has the port in his sights. Photo / Jay Farnworth, Michael Craig
Auckland’s mayor has demanded greater transparency from each branch of Auckland Council, outlining his expectations over the next three years.
Mayor Wayne Brown, elected only 56 days ago, delivered letters yesterday to each of Auckland’s Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs), outlining expectations and priorities.
The letters, sent to Auckland Transport, Eke Panuku Development, Ports of Auckland, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited and Watercare demand greater transparency from the organisations.
It informs the development of a Statement of Intent, which would detail each organisation’s behaviours, operations and service delivery.
Brown said the move was in a bid to improve their approach in working with each other, the council and the community.
The letters were sent to Auckland Transport, Eke Panuku Development, Ports of Auckland, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited and Watercare. Photo / File
“You will see that in some cases I am seeking a significant change in approach, especially Auckland Transport,” said Mayor Brown.
“For all CCOs, I want to see greater accountability, and we are going to work hard with them to come up with more meaningful performance measures.”
The significant change in Auckland Transport’s (AT) approach included getting the most out of the existing transport network, reducing AT’s cost to and taking direction from the council.
Brown also demands AT deliver better traffic management approaches, reduce developers’ footprints on the road, support the development of a comprehensive transport plan written by Aucklanders and reduce costs of development.
The mayor expects fundamental changes to AT’s approach - to deeply understand and respond to what Aucklanders care about most in public transport.
“Like my mayoral proposal, these letters are only the start of a process that is a bit like ping-pong,” said Brown.
The significant change in Auckland Transport’s (AT) approach included getting the most out of the existing transport network. Photo / File
“The CCOs will come back to us with their draft statements, which we will then comment on. So, there will be other opportunities to work through the detail.”
In regards to Panuku Development, Brown has demanded the organisation delivers priority urban regeneration projects to ensure local ownership.
He also wants Panuku to assist the council with plans for port land, and improve their commercial return but reduce corporate costs - to become a smaller and more focused agency.
Mayor Brown has demanded the Ports of Auckland move container freight to rail as part of his expectations over the coming years, along with actively focusing on improvements in worker health, safety and wellbeing.
Brown also wants the ports to improve financial performance against specified measures and deliver free cash flows to Auckland Council as shareholders.
The mayor also asked for Ports of Auckland to support council-led processes, including a plan to return waterfront land to the Auckland public.
Mayor Brown has demanded the Ports of Auckland move container freight to rail as part of his expectations over the coming years. Photo / Michael Craig
When it came to Auckland Unlimited, Mayor Brown’s expectations are the agency would deliver a plan by July 2023, for a single operator for Auckland’s four main stadiums.
He wants to make progress on integrating Auckland’s cultural institutions, focus on key events and facilities Aucklanders value and reduce the agency’s reliance on council rates-based funding.
Finally, the mayor has asked Watercare to progress as required on the Government’s Three Waters programme (with government funding), but to preserve the ability to implement alternative water reform arrangements if the law is changed.
Watercare has also been demanded to develop changes in local growth, maintain low water costs for the public and meet targets relating to climate and drought resilience supply.
Each CCO will now submit a draft Statement of Intent by April 1, 2023, and consider shareholder feedback - before their final statement submission on July 31.