Another night of heavy rain, your rights are if you’ve been affected by flooding and could the voting age lower to 16 in the latest New Zealand Herald headlines. Video / NZ Herald
Another round of torrential rain has seen Auckland’s key route along the city’s eastern bays cut off after a massive slip rolled across the road overnight.
Motorists on both sides of Tamaki Dr are being redirected to alternative routes as emergency services attend the scene.
The road was flooded this morning and a large slip had occurred between Mission Bay and Mechanics Bay, bringing down large cliff-top trees.
Tamaki Dr shut after a massive slip. Photo / Bike Tamaki Drive
A large slip has also occurred on Tamaki Dr between Okahu Bay and Mission Bay.
Local iwi have been working to salvage the Okahu Bay cemetery after the heavy downpour filled it with water.
Auckland Councillor Josephine Bartley tweeted that several local roads had been closed and informed residents to not drive unless they had to.
From civil defence update this morning - Local roads closed - Carbine road, Tamaki drive , Greenlane. Roads to avoid - Onehunga SH 20, SH 1 Greenlane. flooding between Orakei and Glen Innes affecting train service.
“We would like to take this time to again acknowledge our incredible and passionate team for the amazing work they are doing assisting with the flooding and, caring for all animals big and small (they are all safe and well).
“We apologise for any disappointment this causes and look forward to welcoming you another day soon.”
Trees and mud block the car park at Kelly Tarltons. Photo / Dean Purcell
Fallen trees have blocked Ngapipi Rd workers are on the scene.
Road workers are clearing blocked drains to reduce flooding on Tamaki Drive.
A road worker clears blocked drains causing flood on Tamaki Drive. Photo / Michael Craig
Auckland’s Northern Motorway was closed by flooding in both directions between Esmond and Northcote roads for about 90 minutes today, before reopening just before 8am.
Other sections of the city’s motorways have also been severely impacted including the Southern Motorway at Greenlane and Ellerslie-Panmure, and the Southwestern Motorway (State Highway 20) southbound between Queenstown Rd and Neilson St. State Highways 1 and 16 further north of Auckland have been closed by slips and flooding.
A fallen tree has blocked Ngapipi Rd. Photo / Michael Craig
The travel chaos extends further: Train services on the city’s western line have been stopped because of a power cut and passengers are being redirected to buses. Auckland Emergency Management is advising Aucklanders to avoid travelling “unless necessary”. It urged people to check the latest road closures if travel cannot be avoided.
Flooding has closed a section of Auckland's Northern Motorway.
Emergency services are dealing with reports of trees that have fallen on homes in Mt Albert and Whitford; and flooding and landslips in Devonport, with some residents using buckets to furiously bail out water.
There have also been callouts to a range of other suburbs including Hillcrest, Mt Roskill, Onehunga, Belmont, Lynfield, One Tree Hill, Remuera and Greenlane. Motorists were once again stranded on streets with rising floodwaters forcing them to abandon their vehicles in Greenlane.
A caller to Newstalk ZB’s Marcus Lush from Auckland’s Orewa said last night she had been clearing debris from her drains. “Water’s coming up to the door... it’s horrible,” said the woman, who lives near the estuary on Maygrove Dr. “Friday was really bad, I just hope it moves quickly... I’ve already got carpet damage. It’s a bit scary.”
NIWA reported this morning that, in 24 hours, 71mm of rain had fallen at its Western Springs climate station in Auckland - " month’s worth of rain... again”. Much of the rain fell in only a few hours including 25.2mm in one hour, 44.2 mm in two hours and 58.6mm in three hours.
Flooding on Porana Rd in Wairau Valley, Auckland. Photo / Brett Phibbs
State Highway 1 is closed between Brynderwyn and Waipu following slips on the southern side of the Brynderwyn Hills, and State Highway 16 is closed between Waimauku and Helensville. A sinkhole also opened up in Swanson, West Auckland, last night, taking out power lines.
Texts to ZB’s Marcus Lush from residents in north Auckland last night included: “Pouring and big wind gusts happening in Tindalls Bay, Whangaparaoa”; “It’s hitting the Whangaparaoa peninsula. Very strong wind and rain”; “At Waitoki, about 15km inland from Orewa. Getting pretty wild here now”; “Wind and rain has increased in Browns Bay.”
Northland is now out from under a red heavy rain warning but is still in a state of emergency. Auckland, north of Orewa, is under a red warning until 8am; Coromandel until 4pm and Western Bay of Plenty areas until 9pm.
The rest of Auckland, south of Orewa, is under an orange heavy rain alert until 10am, with up to 80mm expected overnight and a yellow watch for strong winds.
“It’s right over us now,” tweeted councillor Richard Hills. “Please do not hesitate to evacuate if you feel unsafe or if water starts to rise.”