Brazen thieves boast about ram raids on the social media platform TikTok. Video / Supplied
A self-proclaimed ram raider has uploaded brazen footage of their Auckland-wide crime spree including breaking into cars, stealing goods and videoing themselves fleeing police.
In videos uploaded to social media, a ram raider is seen posing for the camera before videoing themselves breaking into vehicles and ripping out the ignition.
In one clip, a raider is seen using a wrench tool to rip away a stolen vehicle's ignition in a bid to start the stolen car and drive away.
The video then cuts to the ram raiders filming themselves inside a car being chased by at least two police vehicles through industrial Auckland suburbs following a terrifying crime spree.
Hundreds of stolen packets of tobacco and cigarettes are then flaunted in front of the camera as they brag about their alleged crimes.
The person behind the video then uploaded CCTV of a ram raid at Ormiston mall, showing them backing numerous cars into a store before a raft of people were seen carrying stolen goods from the store back into the getaway vehicle.
A stolen car can also be seen reversing through a store's doors before driving away. The Ormiston raid happened back in April.
Further footage then captured the teens doing burnouts outside Papakura cemetery in broad daylight.
Footage captured the ram raiders ripping ignitions in stolen cars, stealing goods from stores and fleeing officers in a police chase.
At least two teens are seen hanging out the window as the driver loses traction, skidding across the road and nearly hitting a parked car.
The uploaded video then cuts to Herald footage of police outside the scene of a ram raid from last week.
Police have been contacted for comment.
Members of the public weighed in on the alarming footage some warning of potentially dire consequences for the ram raiders.
A self-proclaimed ram raider has uploaded brazen footage of their Auckland-wide crime spree including breaking into cars, stealing goods and videoing a police chase.
The shocking and brazen ram raider footage comes after at least six Auckland retail stores were targeted in a spate of raids last week.
The crime wave was all smash-and-grab-style burglaries involving shops in South Auckland, North Shore and central Auckland.
Police were called to an incident at the Liquorland store on Great South Rd, Takanini, shortly after midnight on August 8, with footage of the store's destruction captured in the ram raider's video.
A witness said four black drawers had been abandoned outside the front of the shop. It is understood they are used to store cigarettes - and had been emptied.
Officers were then called to another incident at a stationery shop on Dawson Rd in Clover Park.
The incident happened just before 1am and police tape was put up soon after. However, it is not known what was taken, if anything.
Police were called to the Kepa Road Superette and Lotto shop and Oliver's Bakehouse shortly after 4.40am.
The witness described seeing broken windows at both places.
It is not yet known whether the incidents are all connected or if anyone involved has been found or arrested.
Last week, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said more than 30 people had been caught and 200 charges laid after the establishment of the police retail unit targeting ram raids and smash and grabs.
She described the crimes as "atrocious".
"They are atrocious, they are totally brazen and, of course, you will have seen the police have a dual focus in supporting retailers with additional funding we have put aside to ensure preventative measures but also making sure those who are taking part of these activities are held to account," she told AM.
Many of the crimes have involved teenagers but Ardern said there were still consequences for young offenders.
"It is fair to say though that if someone is particularly young … efforts are often made to use consequences and punishment that don't for instance necessarily lead to that individual being in facilities that result in their continuing [to offend] … that is not to say that there are no consequences."