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A South Auckland landlord who has spent thousands on retail security says ram raiders are now getting around any measures put in place to stop them after a liquor store was targeted overnight.
Four offenders ram raided a liquor store on Puhinui Rd in Manukau around 11.50pm, police said.
The offenders are believed to have taken cigarettes and alcohol before fleeing in a second vehicle.
Landlord Robin Atwal has spent almost $30,000 on security for his five shops.
“We installed bollards, roller shutters and security grates all at the same time.”
However, he fears offenders are finding more and more creative ways of breaking in.
Police are investigating a ram raid at a Manukau liquor store overnight. Photo / Hayden Woodward
While this is the liquor shop’s first ram raid, the store has been broken into twice in two years.
“Previously, they broke into the shop next door and ripped the wall apart and came into the store. We get one step ahead and they overtake us every time.
“In the supermarket next door, [offenders] have brought in a grinder or a saw and taken the padlocks off, opened the doors and made their way in and took whatever they want.
“People break the kitchen windows, or the grills or the back shutter to come in,” he said.
“It’s always something new.”
Atwal estimated almost $3000 worth of goods were taken in last night’s ram raid.
“The owners are quite shaken up; this is a big hit for them.”
He said it is a slap in the face when nothing is being done to help hardworking store owners after a ram raid or a smash-and-grab.
The Government is debating its new ram-raid legislation tonight under urgency, including allowing 12- and 13-year-olds to be tried in youth court and a new criminal offence specifically addressing ram-raid offending, with a maximum sentence of 10 years.
Puhinui Liquor store in Manukau was ram raided overnight. Photo / Hayden Woodward
Prime Minister Chris Hipkins said young offenders will face more accountability for their crimes while also adding further intensive support to break the cycle of crime.
Police are appealing for anyone with information about the Puhinui liquor store ram raid to contact them.