Does the "top of the T goes before me" rule also now apply at four-way crossroads when a car on your left wants to turn right and you are also turning right?
Chris Paxton, Beth Miller, Ken Wilson, Alastair Smith.
According to the Transport Agency website, if all other give way rules or signs or signals do not indicate who gives way, then give way to vehicles coming from your right. This may happen when traffic signals have gone on the blink. The website also says intersections with four or more approaches, such as crossroads, always have signs on at least two approaches, or traffic signals on all approaches. I am somewhat sceptical of this claim. I'd be glad to hear of examples where this is not the case.
Does the new rule for T-intersections apply to supermarket car park entrances and exits? Alice Robinson.
Yes it does. From 5am on Sunday, vehicles entering or leaving driveways must give way to vehicles on the road.