Our neighbours have two large dogs on their well-fenced urban property. We have two problems with them. Firstly they are extremely noisy. If the owners are out they will bark constantly for the entire time they are gone (hours at a time both day and night). And secondly they are extremely aggressive and territorial. What is our best course of action? We don't necessarily want the dogs gone, but something does need to be done about the behaviour. Who should we contact first? Animal control, noise control, or someone else? Phil Brown, Auckland.
Your first option should be to talk to your neighbours. If, as you say, they are out for a large part of the day, they may not be aware that the dogs are bored and barking. If the situation cannot be resolved this way, animal control is your best bet.
Auckland Council's website has a helpful section on this problem.
Dog control officers assess the extent of any problems, including asking neighbours to monitor the dog's barking and complete bark monitoring forms.