Is there any obligation for property owners to display their street number on their building in commercial or industrial areas? Most commercial or industrial roads are remarkably devoid of street numbers, hence if one wishes to find a business at "126 Smith St" for example, it tends to be a matter of driving up and down searching for clues. Even the Auckland Council building at "4 Osterley Way" fails to have any number on it and neither do its neighbours.
Barry Claridge, Whitford.
According to Auckland Mayor Len Brown's office, the allocation of street numbers is Auckland Council's responsibility. Council can allocate street numbers to any area of land, or building, or part of a building (for example an apartment) and can change existing addresses pursuant to Section 319B Local Government Act 1974.
A spokesperson for the council says:
"The owner or occupier has the responsibility to visibly display the official address and to maintain the displayed number, pursuant to Part 20.7.2 and Part 20.7.3 of the Auckland City Consolidated Bylaw 1998. These responsibilities ensure that a consistent street numbering system can be established and that properties can be easily identified and located by visitors, postal services and the emergency services.