Can you please advise what development is being undertaken on the Shore Rd Reserve, next to the rugby and cricket fields, close to the junction of Portland and Shore Rds? A few years ago this was swamp and scrub. It was drained, and then recently used as access for the sewage pipeline upgrade and subsequent demolition of the pipeline across Hobson Bay. I cannot find any reference to the final plans on the Auckland Council website. I trust that this "flat" parcel of land, and the other small park across the road from it will be turned into playing fields, with surrounding trees, similar to the excellent set up at the neighbouring parks of Shore Rd and Bloodworth Park. Richard Humphries, Remuera.
Watercare Services is in the process of finalising the reinstatement of the eastern end of this park, which is known as Shore Rd Reserve.
After completion removal of the pipe bridge across Hobson Bay, the walkways in the park have been reinstated and the bulk of the area has been sown with grass. In autumn, native coastal species will be planted around the coastal margin.
The purpose of the landscaping is to return it to use as a dog exercise area and it will not be used for sports fields. The area is zoned Open Space 2, and a plan change would be required before the site could be used for sports fields. This also applies to Waitaramoa Reserve which is on the opposite side of Shore Rd from this site.
The floral clock in Albert Park has always been a stand-out feature, which adults and children delight in seeing. I noticed that the hands and central shaft are missing and the clock face appears to be just one more flowerbed. Is this a temporary arrangement while the clock is being serviced or is it a victim of cost cutting? Tony Price, Auckland.