The bus lane on Grafton Bridge is 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday. But on public holidays, with buses running to Sunday timetables, is the Grafton Bridge bus lane still enforced? Mike Batten, Auckland.
According to the Auckland Transport website, the bus priority measures apply as you state, as well as allowing for emergency vehicles. At all other times, including public holidays, the bridge is open to all traffic.
With the introduction of the new give-way road rules, could you please clarify what the rule is with regard to roundabouts? Dennise Cook, Torbay, and Gwen Smith, Auckland.
The road rules have not changed at roundabouts. You must give way to all vehicles that will cross your path from your right as you enter the roundabout.
What is the law, protocol or ethical approach to a T2 lane (Tamaki Drive) after the expiry time of 9am? After this time there is still a back-up along Tamaki Drive approaching Ngapipi Rd and several selfish drivers (with only the driver in the car) overtake (in the T2 lane) the queue of patiently waiting drivers. Somehow this seems all wrong. John Burrows, Auckland.