I work at Gloucester Park Rd, Onehunga, where the Transport Agency is widening the road to include a T2 lane. When am I legally allowed to enter the T2 lane (when there is only one person in the car) so I can turn safely into our driveway at work? Jill Rowe, Auckland.
You may use the T2 lane for only a minimum time and for a length of no more than 50m. You must also give way to any vehicles entitled to use the lane.
The intersection of Richmond Rd and Peel and Kingsley Sts has near-misses almost every day. Either the stop sign at Kingsley St needs to be moved to Richmond Rd to replace the current give way sign or, better yet, a roundabout introduced. Is the Auckland Council (a) aware of this issue and (b) planning to do anything about it? Mattie Wall, Westmere.
Auckland Transport communications manager Sharon Hunter says the organisation is aware of the issues here. The intersection will be closely monitored. Ms Hunter says that in the case of Richmond Rd, visibility is sufficient and the give way sign is adequate. Changing the current give way to a stop sign would result in the Kingsley St traffic being in conflict with the Richmond Rd traffic.
At the end of our street we turn left from Andersons Rd into East Coast Rd. Opposite us (but not absolutely directly opposite) is John Downs Drive. Who gives way? Marie Gisby, East Coast Bays.