Could we please have an update on the Onehunga foreshore restoration? On a recent drive along SH20 (the Southwestern Motorway) I saw what appeared to be a new bridge - where will this go, and when?
Andrew Molloy, Mt Roskill.
The foreshore by Orpheus Drive is being restored to bring back a natural coast edge. This was considered necessary to restore the natural character of Onehunga Bay, which was bisected when State Highway 20 was built in the 1970s. There will be new headlands, with nine beaches, three of them sandy ones for swimming.
The project site extends across the coastal marine area from Seacliffe Rd to the west, across to the Manukau Cruising Club to the east, and includes works in Onehunga Bay Reserve and lagoon to the north of SH20.
Within the 6.8ha of new park land will be open spaces, a boat ramp and picnic areas. A pedestrian and cycle bridge will connect the new land to Onehunga Lagoon.