The Domain is a lovely green oasis, but the bush area on the eastern (Parnell) side seems somewhat neglected. Paths are breaking up, dead branches are left to rot, weeds and rubbish left to accumulate, and rubbish skips are left in an untidy clearing. I know the council has other priorities but is there at least a plan for the development of this area? Is there any indication of what the council intends to do and when?
- Morris Kun, Panmure.
The eastern bush slopes of the Auckland Domain are managed under an isthmus-wide ecological restoration contract. The extensive mature privet forest that once covered these slopes has been substantially reduced, and native regeneration is flourishing. Piles of branches and detritus are deliberately left and managed as habitat refuges for invertebrate fauna, increasing biodiversity and reflecting best practice in the management of bush and natural areas. The council is investigating plans for improving walkways and cycleways through the Domain.
Can we have the traffic light scheme on the intersection of Tamaki Drive and Solent St, Mechanics Bay, re-evaluated? Since it was automated, there has been unnecessary waiting, especially when there is no traffic wanting to cross from Tamaki Drive into Solent St. During the late afternoon peak hours, the tail can sometimes extend up to block the Strand intersection. It would be a great relief to many if the right turn signal phase was reduced, and the countdown for it to turn back on was increased.
- Dan Richards, Glendowie.