If turning right from Campbell Cres into Market Rd, and a car is turning right from Market Rd into Campbell Cres, does the car on Market Rd now have right of way? David Reid, Epsom.
This is a tricky one, as it would appear at first sight that Market Rd is the terminating road and thus vehicles on Market Rd should give way to right-turning traffic from Campbell Cres. But from observation, Campbell Cres morphs into Market Rd, the major road, on a right-hand bend and street signs are limited. I would be inclined to be cautious and in the absence of stop or give-way signs, would follow the existing give-way-to-the-right rule.
I understand that if I am at the bottom of a T-intersection I basically give way to everything. This also applies to a driveway that enters a road. What happens when a driveway is directly opposite the terminating road of a T-intersection? We have several examples of T-intersections, with no give-way sign, and a driveway opposite. Does this then become like a cross-road in terms of give-way rules? Andrew van der Voort, Auckland.
No, it doesn't. Traffic on a driveway must give way to all vehicles on a road, including on a road opposite the driveway. This applies even if the road is controlled by stop signs, give-way signs or traffic signals and no matter which way you are going when you leave the driveway.
My question relates to an intersection near my home that causes all sorts of problems. This intersection has a stop sign opposing a give-way sign. What happens when I am at the stop sign having fully stopped and waiting to proceed straight ahead and there is a car on the give-way sign also fully stopped and waiting to turn right? When the car wants to turn right across my path don't the give-way rules apply and I should be able to go before the other car, remembering that both cars have stopped? This problem is compounded by the fact that other cars coming up behind me wanting to turn left have a free left turn and the car at the give-way sign has to give way to them. Bruce Walton, Auckland.
If you are facing a stop sign, you must give way to all other traffic, including vehicles facing a give-way sign. It does not matter if you are going straight ahead or turning, you must still wait until the way is clear. This rule has not changed. The cars coming behind you and wanting to turn left do have precedence over the right-turning traffic ahead of you.