Q. State Highway 1 heading north from the Upper Harbour exit reduces from a three-lane highway down to two lanes, and then increases again to three lanes after the Greville Rd exit. This causes a huge bottleneck during peak times on weekdays, and also on weekends as well. Are there any plans to make this part of the highway three lanes the whole way through. If so by when?
Ritesh Lal, Auckland.
The Transport Agency does indeed plan to redevelop this section of the Northern Motorway from just north of the bridge over the Upper Harbour Highway. The agency says plans to widen the highway northbound from two to three lanes and upgrade the Greville Rd interchange are in the detailed design stage. The agency still has to obtain funding, but it anticipates construction will start next year and will last about 15 months. The project will help improve traffic flows and safety on the motorway and on the interchange. Longer term, the agency has plans for a motorway-to-motorway interchange connecting the Upper Harbour Highway and Northern Motorway as part of its development of the Western Ring Route.
Q. We drove down the Southern Motorway recently and noticed that the mangroves have been removed from the Pahurehure Inlet. I thought they were protected. Has there been a law change?
Karen Bridge, Auckland.
Angela Jones, senior media adviser for Auckland Council, kindly helped out with this one.