We don't just like our coffee in Auckland. We seek it out. We lay loyalties down with our roasters of choice, and we ardently defend our tastes to anyone who begs to differ. All of this serves as a source of appreciation for Ulala Nakama, the co-owner of Ark Coffee on the North Shore.
Ulala and her sister Naomi, an artist, own Ark together. Born in Kagoshima, Japan, the pair have made New Zealand home since moving to Auckland with their family in 1990, with Ulala flitting in and out of the country before settling permanently three years ago.
It was in Kagoshima where Ulala's respect for the humble bean grew. She took what was supposed to be a temporary job as a barista at a speciality coffee roastery, and endeavoured to learn the intricacies of brewing coffee, and brewing it well. Here, Ulala shares with us some her favourite things.