Aaron Archer is accused of murdering 2-year-old toddler Ariah Roberts. Photo / Jason Oxenham
Aaron Archer is accused of murdering 2-year-old toddler Ariah Roberts. Photo / Jason Oxenham
Details of how a man allegedly murdered his stepdaughter at Mangawhai a year ago have been revealed in court for the first time.
Aaron Archer, 30, is accused of killing 2-year-old Ariah Dawn Roberts at Mangawhai on August 22, 2018 while her mother was at the supermarket buying dinner.
He allegedly inflicted "catastrophic" and "multiple" head injuries to the child within 15 minutes of her mother leaving the house.
The fatal injuries were compared to the child being involved in a serious car crash or falling at least two storeys.
Archer concedes he caused the death of the child, but denies a charge of murder, saying there was no intent, violence or abuse.
There were even bruises behind her ears and on her tummy.
"Ariah was not injured in that manner when her mother left… so therefore we do know when these injuries occurred and it was when she was in the sole custody of Aaron Archer," said Crown prosecutor Olivia Klaassen.
An expert told the Crown that catastrophic injuries did not occur from the usual tumbles and falls of a toddler.
If they did occur they were usually associated with "significant trauma" such as serious car crashes or falling.
"Aaron Archer caused these injuries… he was the only one home with Ariah, he acknowledged this to attending paramedics," Klaassen told the court in her opening address.
"He told Ariah's mother he was swinging her around and she hit her head…. Along with other explanations that he dropped Ariah… or that he threw her up and she slipped.
"The key evidence is that… these injuries do not marry up with the defendant's explanation of what occurred."
The jury will hear evidence from medical experts, specialist scene examination staff and first responders who attended the initial 111 call and tried to revive Ariah before she was pronounced dead at the scene.
They will also hear from neighbours as to what they saw or heard on the day.
Ariah's mother, who went to the supermarket to get dinner when her child was killed, will tell the jury her side of the story - including how Archer left her a voicemail message while she was out.
She will give evidence that Ariah was not injured when she left the house that fateful night.
Expert pathologists will also be called by the Crown and will explain how Ariah's injuries were "abusive".
"The defence case is simple, it was an awful tragic accident - and it was an accident."
She said the recording of Archer's phone call to his then-partner would be played and the jury would hear from people at the scene who spoke to the distraught stepfather.
She said his reaction was "consistent" with a terrible accident befalling Ariah.
"He did not intend to kill Ariah, did not intend to assault her - this was a tragic accident," said Maxwell-Scott.