The leader of the Auckland Regional Council vowed greater efficiency and a better performance from this term of office before assuring Aucklanders "we will not let you down".
Mike Lee was yesterday sworn in for his second term as chairman of the Auckland Regional Council while Michael Barnett was elected unopposed to stand as his deputy.
Mr Lee said the ARC rated the public disaffection with aspects of local government as its greatest concern but said people could expect improvements.
"Those concerns tend to focus on high levels of rates increases and charges and the need for councils to listen more carefully to the public," said Mr Lee.
"Those concerns are not new and the ARC over the past few years have been actively endeavouring to respond to those concerns."
Mr Lee said the Auckland region was at a critical stage in its history and faced a number of challenges that had to be achieved at an affordable price.
"These challenges relate specifically to providing modern infrastructure, civic amenities and services while protecting the environment of the Auckland region which is growing rapidly and disproportionately to the rest of the country.
"Our goal is a modern, compact city, as an attractive, high amenity place to live that functions efficiently and enables people to get around easily without destroying the natural values that give Auckland its unique quality of life."
He said the ARC took its obligations very seriously to help the Auckland Regional Transport Authority combat traffic congestion and was confident the city's transport system could be transformed so rail and bus networks could be co-ordinated and integrated.
"Twice before Auckland was on the verge of electrifying its network in the 1950s and the 1970s and twice before it was lost - this time we must not fail."