"We would love to hear from anyone who's interested in volunteering for Wellington Free Ambulance."
As well as a look through the ambulance and station, visitors will be treated to free interactive CPR lessons, at 11.30am and 12.30pm, the sausage sizzle and colouring-in activities for the kids.
One of the volunteers at the Texas St Station is Jo Thompson, of Masterton, who has been helping paramedics responding to 111 calls for over two years.
She is in her final year of a degree in paramedicine, so her volunteer work coupled with her studies is preparing her for a qualified paramedic role.
Ms Thompson, who was a case manager at Work and Income, decided after having children to make a career change and follow her life-long interest in medicine.
"I thought either nursing or paramedicine was for me, so I contacted Wellington Free Ambulance to find out.
"I went out on some observer shifts with the ambulance crew and I was hooked. I absolutely loved it, and I still do."
Ms Thompson said the wide variety of incidents she attends and the many different people she works with are what she enjoys about her volunteer role and the industry.
"You just never know where you're going next, and every day is different."
Ms Thompson said she sees herself in this career for life, with her long-term goal to become an intensive-care paramedic.
"They have more responsibility and are more highly qualified paramedics so it would be awesome to reach that level."
She said being a mum, studying full-time and working her volunteer shifts makes for a busy life but she could not imagine doing anything else.
"It's absolutely worth it. I'm so thankful for those first few shifts and the opportunity to volunteer.
"They've allowed me to gain a huge amount of knowledge, skills and personal development and helped me decide the future of my career."