Focus Live: Verdict in Amber-Rose Rush Murder Trial. Video / Will Trafford
When junior doctor Venod Skantha moved to Dunedin in 2017, his life quickly began to spiral out of control. There were parties, near constant drinking, lewd behaviour and an increasingly youthful troupe of teenagers. With his medical career hanging by a thread, one young girl stood up against him and was killed for her courage. Rob Kidd reports.
Shortly after she found her daughter in bed in a pool of blood, Lisa-Ann Rush spoke to police, desperate to find her killer.
One of 16-year-old Amber-Rose's ex-boyfriends had threatened to overdose because he could not live without her; another put a brick through her window and fractured her wrist.
But there was someone else.
"There's a man called Vinny; his real name is Venod," she told police.
The man in the dock throughout the trial, dressed smartly in an array of shirts and V-neck jerseys, cut a different figure from the one jurors saw interviewed by police on February 4 last year, two days after Amber-Rose's death.
A pudgy, dishevelled, unshaven Skantha downplayed his relationship with the victim, who just a couple of months earlier was considering renting a room in his new home.
"I was never really close to Amber at all," he told a stone-faced Detective Constable Wayne O'Connell.
Keen to fill the interviewer's silences, the police prime suspect seemed at times to berate himself.
"I shouldn't really be hanging out with kids anyway," Skantha said.
And later: "Hanging out with a 16-year-old – it's ridiculous."
When it became clear he was in the frame for murder there was an outpouring of desperation.
"It's not in my nature. I promise you. I don't know where you're getting this from," Skantha said.
"It's not something I would do. Have you looked in my background?"
Over the next 20 months police did just that.
Not only did they find a motive for murder but a vast pool of Dunedin teenagers who had witnessed his wild ways.
Skantha began work as a house officer for the Southern District Health Board at Invercargill Hospital in May 2016 but transferred to Dunedin the next year.
The move led him to a rental in Forbury Rd, a spit away from the plush streets of St Clair.
When Thomas Russell answered a TradeMe ad and moved in in April, it already had a reputation as a party flat.
There were "social gatherings" most weekends, he told the court, and underage drinkers commonly at the property.
His ex-girlfriend Melissa Severins said the age of the revellers appeared to decrease with each passing week.
Amber-Rose Rush. Photo / Supplied
And when it came to boozing, Skantha led the charge.
His ex-girlfriend, Balclutha lawyer Brigid Clinton, said it was normal for the man to scull sauvignon blanc from the bottle and would have others drive him around so he could drink through the journey.
Skantha, she told the jury, was drinking "pretty much non-stop" towards the end of their relationship in late 2017.
It was the party lifestyle that led Skantha to Amber-Rose.
The teenager – noted as "Witness 32" at trial - introduced them and would become the key to the Crown case, primarily in his role as the defendant's personal chauffeur, driving the doctor's flashy silver BMW any chance he got.
Witnesses spoke of getting kicked out of hotels for excessive noise, boozy car rides around Dunedin and 48-hour benders at Skantha's home when he bought his own place in Fairfield.
Beneath it, one of Amber-Rose's best friends sensed something unusual.
"It was just very creepy, I guess; very weird how much he seemed to like Amber," the teen, whose name was suppressed, told the court.
One teen told the jury she had been out drinking with Skantha and woke up to find him on one side groping her, a woman stroking her shoulder on her other.
At the suggestion of group sex, she kicked out at the man.
A picture was painted for the jury of habitual sexual abuse combined with continuous drinking.
Justice Gerald Nation told jurors to be careful not to let the evidence prejudice them completely against the defendant.
But it was hard to ignore a parade of witnesses describing Skantha's erratic, lewd behaviour in the months leading up to Amber-Rose's death.
Another teen spoke of the doctor asking her to offer her schoolmate $400 for sex.
On the evening of February 2 last year, with the rumours of Skantha's behaviour circulating and her own ordeal plaguing her, Amber-Rose did what others had been too scared to do.
She called him out.
When Skantha accused her during an online chat, of using his credit card to make an online purchase, the victim bit back.
He was fortunate it was only a few dollars, she said.
"You're lucky I don't go into the hospital and tell them you turn up to work drunk, supply minors with alcohol, touch them up without consent, grow up Vinny you're 30 for f*** sakes," said Amber-Rose.
Whether or not she knew it, the doctor was on a final warning at the hospital.
As Clark drove to her home to check up on her, Skantha was already there.
He had driven to Glen Rd and picked up Witness 32 around 11.40pm.
The teenager – whose name was suppressed because he was 16 at the time – said Skantha was dressed all in dark clothes, complete with gloves and beanie.
He looked "reasonably chill, not nervous. Focused, you know, but chill," the witness said.
While he said there was no foreshadowing of the bloody attack which ensued, his story meandered and changed through his police interviews and over the three days he spent in the witness box.
"Literally I just thought he was going to go in and yell at her," he said.
Venod Skantha in the dock at the High Court at Dunedin. Photo / Christine O'Connor
Unbeknown to the doctor, he had a rapidly diminishing window to commit the crime. Clark arrived some time after midnight and saw Amber-Rose's brother Jayden and his girlfriend return from work, which they estimated must have been about 12.10am.
If the killer had dallied a few extra minutes he would have been seen by three witnesses.
Instead, he delivered six wounds to Amber-Rose's neck, one of which severed her carotid artery, and left her bleeding to death under a pile of pillows as he slipped away.
At 11.54pm, Witness 32 called the friends who he had just seen and said he might be an accomplice to a murder, before swiftly claiming he had misspoken.
Defence counsel Jonathan Eaton QC said the call was a crude attempt at the teen trying to establish an alibi.
He suggested the boy was infatuated with Skantha, "idolised" him.
The teenager gave police three interviews, in which he frequently strayed into bizarre and irrelevant detail.
He talked about listening to Dean Martin in the car while the stabbing was taking place and later mentioned the band Little Feat whose lyrics included: "you can get further/ Sure can be murder", which he interpreted as some sort of cosmic sign he should have noted.
At times Witness 32 even appeared flattered that Skantha had included him in the criminal enterprise.
"The reason he picked me is because I'm a devil behind the wheel," he said. "He said I'm one of the best drivers he's ever known."
The teenager, however, led police to evidence that proved to be vital.
After stopping off at Skantha's home to clean up, they went to Balclutha to Clinton's house.
Jonathan Eaton QC leaves the Dunedin High Court on Wednesday evening after his client Venod Skantha was found guilty of the murder of Amber Rose Rush. Photo / Gregor Richardson
Other evidence from Witness 32 was less convincing.
He had barely any memory about cleaning the vehicle and his recall of who cleaned the knife was oddly scant.
He accepted, under cross-examination from Eaton, that washing his friend's blood from the weapon would be a harrowing experience, but was then unable to confirm whether it was he or Skantha who had done it.
In Balclutha, the defendant burned his bloody clothes, toasting marshmallows over the flames but the details again were hazy.
While they were at the house, the teen said Skantha elaborated on his earlier confessions about killing Amber-Rose.
"He grabbed a knife and demonstrated what he did to her on me," he said.
"This is one thing I'll never forget that'll linger with me for the rest of my life."
After two nights in Balclutha, Skantha, Clinton and Witness 32 returned to Dunedin.
By this point, police had been made aware of the online argument between the defendant and victim and orchestrated a meeting for him with Lisa-Ann Rush and an undercover officer.
On the way to the venue, the trio stopped at New World supermarket and bought flowers and a card, as well as a couple of bottles of wine for Skantha.
The decision to buy the items from Amber-Rose's former workplace had not been deliberate, Clinton said.
Shane Rush speaks after a jury in the High Court at Dunedin this afternoon found Venod Skantha responsible for the murder of his daughter. Photo / Peter McIntosh/ODT
During the meeting, Skantha suggested the girl's death had been a suicide.