A Wairarapa recruitment agency has vacancies across the board - despite a decline in jobs being advertised throughout the wider Wellington region.
Online skilled-job vacancies were down 9.3 per cent this August on last in the wider Wellington area, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment said. This August, vacancies were also down 1 per cent on July.
The ministry's Jobs Online monthly report measures the changes in job vacancies advertised by businesses on three internet job boards - SEEK, Trade Me and the Education Gazette.
Drake Wairarapa branch manager Leanne Welsh said Drake had more job vacancies than in previous years, having increased its client base. It had vacancies across the board, including positions in labouring, trade and administration.
Ms Welsh said the provinces nationwide were crying out for trades workers. Those workers had been pulled away to larger centres such as Christchurch and Auckland. However, people were starting to return to the provinces from those areas as well as from Australia.