Up to 30 volunteers "all generously give their time" at the CAB.
"We have a wide range of people with a wide range of life skills. It's just amazing, some of our volunteers also do Riding for the Disabled or volunteer for the Cancer Society or take people to Wellington Hospital day after day."
CAB volunteer Maurice Hurst has been with the organisation for 20 years.
He says he originally got involved after he retired and wanted to utilise his business experience to help others.
Mr Hurst has a thorough knowledge of legislation but says it tends to be "a listening ear" that people are most after when they come to the CAB.
"I get great satisfaction from helping people. We need the CAB as a central point where we can either help or direct people to the right place."
Mr Hurst said the Wairarapa CAB is the only one in the country that is made up totally of volunteers, which is a great point of pride for the branch.
Another volunteer, Margie Carrutheus, has also been at the organisation going on 20 years.
She said a particular highlight over the years has been the friends she has made along the way and the information she has accumulated on a wide range of subjects.
"Even if we're not busy there is always something to read up on and we have some really good guest speakers."
National Volunteer Week is New Zealand's largest celebration of volunteering and civic participation.
The theme for National Volunteer Week 2014 is "Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te tangata", which translated means "with your contribution and my contribution the people will live".