IN THE back pages of the Herald, or in digital terms, in the Life and Style section, there's an amusing piece on the 10 most appealing hobbies to a potential partner.
What is interesting about them is they are all gentle, quaint and safe hobbies.
They include movies, music, fine dining and gardening.
I'm never really sure whether to believe these or not. If you read internet dating profiles, they will usually list their "likes", such as movies, long walks on beaches and reading novels.
But in interviews I've done with members of the older generation, who have had an impressive 40 or 50 years (or more) of marriage, the inevitable question is asked: how did you meet, and what was it about him/her that you liked? I've never had a partner say: I liked his fine touch with the paintwork on his model Spitfire, or her flower arranging. Those don't come up in the conversation. Usually it's about the moment, the smile, the laughter, the confidence, the physical looks.