Those who think the University of Otago has gone too far in tackling problem drinking should study elsewhere, the chairwoman of a group tasked with improving the student drinking culture says.
Alcohol implementation group chairwoman Prof Jennie Connor's comments come after the Otago Daily Times was given a copy under the Official Information Act of a university "action plan" aimed at tackling the issue of dangerous drinking behaviour.
Measures identified in the plan, drawn up by the university's ''alcohol implementation group'', included getting the word out to students that they would be held accountable if they took part in drinking games that got out of hand or coerced others to drink.
The plan also discusses the possibility of landlords of student flats reporting tenants who violated the code, or making violations of the code grounds for eviction.
Prof Connor, who is also head of the university's preventive and social medicine department, said the university was trying to make it clear to students they ran the risk of being disciplined by the proctor if they took part in dangerous drinking activities.