Greytown's Menz Shed received national acclaim from its peers yesterday when it timed its official opening with the national Menz Shed conference in Wairarapa.
"Shedders" from Christchurch to Hamilton arrived by bus to witness the cutting of the ribbon ceremony for South Wairarapa's first Menz Shed on West St in Greytown.
The cutting marks a year of hard work on a former South Wairarapa District Council contractor's shed and yard, which was full of junk, leaking and had small creatures scuttling about, said Greytown Menz Shed president John Boon.
Today, thanks to volunteer help, support from South Wairarapa Rotary Club, Henley Mens Shed, JNL, and a $15,000 grant from the Eastern and Central Community Trust, the rooms have electricity, skylights, insulation, a mezzanine floor and lots of serious machinery.
"It's been fabulous," said Mr Boon. "It was 12 months of very hard work, building, sweating, cussing - and more laughs in an hour than I have ever had in my life. It's just been an experience of how good people are, how helpful they are."