Clare Tiafariu, is a junior teacher with three years experience. She teaches at Fruitvale Rd School, a decile 4 school in New Lynn. She is among 50,000 teachers expected to walk out on strike next week in protest of their pay and conditions. A particular issue is the increasing
A day in the life of a teacher: '10pm laptop closed. I haven't got all my work done'
8.20am: I sit down with my co-teacher and print resources needed for today's lessons.
• A day in the life of a teacher: 'I woke at 4.30am with teaching on my mind'
• A day in the life of a teacher: No lunch break and checking emails at 10pm
• A day in the life of a teacher: '18 hour day, and only 30min with my family'
• Teachers' strike: It's not about the money, workload so large 'we often see people crying'
8.30am: Students have arrived and are waiting to get in the classroom.
8.30am: The next 20 minutes are spent meeting and greeting students and parents whilst setting up the classroom.
8.55am: We start the day with our roll and then move straight onto writing.
10.15am: We start our maths lesson.
11am: Monitor children during eating time.
11.10am: Morning tea. I am a duty teacher today so I supervise children on the playground.
11.30am: I walk back to the staffroom just in time for morning notices. Morning tea notice meeting lasts for 10 minutes today.
11.40am: Morning tea finishes I grab a cup of tea and walk back to the classroom.
11.45am: Guided reading and literacy session starts.
1.20pm: Reading to the children while they eat their lunch.
1.30pm: Finally time for lunch. A quick clean-up and make my way to staffroom.
1.40pm: I have walked through the office where I come across a student from my class who is hurt and needs an ice pack.
1.45pm: Get to the staffroom and print some resources. Eat lunch.
2pm: This block I am on my own with 43 children as my co-teacher is in a meeting with a speech therapist and another student. Start final topic lesson of the day.
2.50pm: I am still on my own in the classroom but realise I am on road patrol so I organise a person from the office to dismiss children.
3pm: Road crossing duty starts.
3.30pm: Back to classroom. Grab a cuppa and finish lunch. Have a meeting with other syndicate members to discuss transition of pupils in the class with high needs and underachievement.
4pm: Spend the next 45 minutes marking today's writing with my co-teacher. Quick classroom tidy.
5pm: Leave school.
5.40pm: Organise dinners, homework, bath times for my own children.
8.30pm: My last child has finally gone to sleep. I reply to emails, update Seesaw, which is a school communication app. Whilst I am doing this I realise I have to complete individual education plans for the under-achieving boys in our class, the outcome of today's meeting. Contact co-teacher and we edit these together through our shared drive and update tomorrow's planning.
10pm: Laptop closed. Bedtime. I haven't managed to reach my goal of writing one report per night tonight. I have 23 reports due to be completed in three weeks time. This now gets pushed back to my weekend work.